So here you are, a single mum and the bills for taking care of your bundle of joy are higher than you ever imagined. You had a different plan for your life. You probably never intended to become a single mother but you did. You know the father of your child but for whatever reason, you are no longer together. What can you do to provide better for your child? What is available for you legally? What does it take to get money from the baby daddy? As you can imagine, most of these absentee parents were fathers. Biology is cruel when it comes to reproduction: the man has to have an orgasm, then the woman carries the pregnancy, her attractiveness deteriorates during the pregnancy-breast-feeding phase, and the guy can run whenever he pleases. Years ago, a single mother lamented the humiliating process our court system had put her through when she sued her child’s father for financial support. After Beijing, the law was highly punitive towards men in these situat...
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